A huge shout out to the 7th grade math students from Jennifer Bowen's class who did an amazing job collecting supplies for the Kokomo Rescue Mission.
over 4 years ago, James Bishir
Supplies for Rescue Mission
Mrs. Sinnamon's 7th grade class explores bioengineering as they design, create, and explain their 3-D printed shoe designs.
over 4 years ago, James Bishir
Shoe Engineering
Maria Slate won 5lbs of chocolate in our fundraiser giveaway today.
over 4 years ago, James Bishir
Candy Bar Winner
Here are some students spending quality time with Rocky during homeroom.
over 4 years ago, James Bishir
Students spending quality time during homeroom with rocky!
Rocky our Service Dog comforts students.
over 4 years ago, James Bishir
Rocky making someone's day!
Website Update with link to Northwestern Tech Help Page: https://sites.google.com/nwsc.k12.in.us/nwsctechnology/student-page?authuser=0
over 4 years ago, James Bishir
Congratulations to Alexandria Shannonhouse our Sept. Student of the Month!
over 4 years ago, James Bishir
Student of the Month