The Accelerated Reader program is a computerized program that tests reading comprehension. Students select books in their reading level, read independently, and take an independent comprehension quiz on the computer. Each book is worth a certain number of points based on its length, vocabulary, and reading level. Students earn a percentage of these points based on how many of the quiz questions they answer correctly. The AR program, along with the sister program, STAR Reading, tracks student progress over the course of the school year. When students make their own reading choices, read what is interesting to them and read at their own pace, they usually have an enjoyable reading experience and increase their reading comprehension.
According to Renaissance Learning’s research, students who read at least 20 minutes a day with a 90% comprehension rate on AR quizzes see the greatest gains.
Northwestern subscribes to Enterprise by Renaissance Place which gives us access to all quizzes currently available, and new quizzes are added daily.
Parents, Home Connect is for you! Log in to view your child's Accelerated Reader, and sign up to receive email alerts when your child takes a quiz! Just check with your student's teacher or contact Mrs. Longgood in the library media center for login information.
We have full access to all AR quizzes available!
Click here to discover if there is a quiz is available for the book you want to read. New quizzes are added monthly so keep checking back!
Don't see the quiz you want? Click the link below to request a quiz be written. They can't fill all requests but they try, so keep checking back on AR Book Find.